Our Mission is

Everyone deserves fresh produce that is grown close to home. Our dedication to this mission is reflected in our five core principles, summarized by the acronym TASTE.


  • Tracebility
  • Accountability
  • Socially Responsible
  • Transparency
  • Environmentally Friendly


You deserve to know exactly where your food comes from, and our use of innovative technology allows you to follow the journey from sprout to grocery aisle all from the convenience of your phone.



Leveraging cutting-edge automation and AI technologies, we ensure that every step of the growth process is optimized. We guarantee the highest quality in every head of lettuce that you can rely on every time.


Socially Responsible

Our sustainable growing and packaging practices benefit the environment, reflecting your values for a healthier planet.



You don’t need to worry about hidden additives or chemicals; what’s on the label is what we use.


Environment Friendly

We’re helping to decrease the agricultural carbon footprint by conserving natural resources with our growing methods and decreasing fuel consumption by shortening the trip from field to store.

Our Story

LivFarms’ business was as a way for Luke Petersen to give his allergy-ridden sister, Paige, produce that was guaranteed free of hidden inputs and additives. But why stop there? Luke’s long-term love of hydroponics allowed him to draft the plans for a multilevel automated hydroponics system capable of growing 1.5 million heads of lettuce per year. It was then that LivFarms was created to provide everyone with clean, fresh produce.

Today, Luke and Paige operate LivFarms together. While Luke uses his mechanical and agricultural skills to grow the produce, Paige handles the creative side of marketing. Lettuce is just the start; they plan to expand their produce options as they grow into more facilities, all with the intention of providing fresh produce for everyone.


School To Table Program

Our Giving

School To Table

LivFarms created the School to Table program to give back to the communities that inspired the creation of LivFarms. Specifically, our donations are given to local FFA chapters in honor of influential teachers like Mr. Arne Anderson who encouraged Luke to follow his dreams of growing hydroponically.

The FFA chapters receive an AGEYE Agricultural Research Kart (ARK) where students can have hands on experience with alternative growing methods. The hydroponic research system is equipped with plant intelligence features, allowing the students to view data and adjust environmental conditions to achieve optimum plant growth and peak freshness. Our hope is that after the students are finished growing the produce it is donated to the school’s BackPack Program to assist students in need.

Our mission calls us to give beyond our own reach through monetary donations to Convoy of Hope’s “feedONE” program. This incredible campaign feeds over 500,000 children in 33 countries, while also providing clean drinking water and life-saving medications. We encourage you to click the link below to learn more about how simple donations can provide hope across the world.




From Farm to Plate,
LivFarms Delivers Freshness That Lasts.
